Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to Freewrite

Freewriting is a tool used by writers to break up their walls. It is a gam;e with rules that you continue writing no matter the consequences. NOt matter the mistakes you make as you type. This createsand environment of freedom where the editors side of your brian isn't allowed to come out until the writing is done. But how does bbreewriting start? As you can see, I am typing very fast to prove the point that you dcontinue on no matter the mistakes that are matde. That is the firest rule.

The second rule, is that you canno't backspaece, fix or correct any mistakes that you see no matter what. The editor isn't allowed to even breath on a free write. This gives the writer the mental creative freesdom to just be and create without getting bogged down in details.

The third rule is to keep moving forward. Whatever thought that comesinto your head is valid even if it has nothing to do with the work you wish to create. If you have no thoughts, write about how you have not thoughts. Foe example, I only came up with three rules. I'm trying to think of more, but there really isn't any. Free writing isn't complicated and isn't meant to be really structured. You don't even need splits in paragraphs or tabs at the beginning of each thought. This is the mental massage that breaks holding patterns in your writing and allows you space to breath. Now I really want some cheese. Cheese is delicious. It is yellow, sharp is best. I hear that real cheese is white and better for you, it's probably true. Have you ever heard of cows giving orange milk? THat alone sounds gross, yet we like yellow cheese. I wonder if my character likes yellow cheese or white cheese. My back is wondering if this is a good position to type in.

She is a character that likes to breathe and find peace. Where is the excitment in that? If you have a character who likes peace so much, they have to be put into a whole lot of traumatizing experiences just to be interesting. On the otherhand, if you have a handful of a character in a forced peaceful setting, it can feel like a waist, but could it also be the grounds for an actual piece of literature?

Fahrenheit 451 style story that expresses that there is a time to fight and a time to rest and both moments are hard.

At this point I would usually launch into a made up scene that would give me a sense of my story. I'd still be free writing until the scene is done. Then I'd let the editor in just enough to see if the thought has potential. Hope you all enjoyed this example.

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